Space set to X for quick rolls or going prone. CTRL+SHIFT to R1 and R2 so that they can easily be used in conjuntion with WASD for switching weapons. RCLICK to R1 first person mode and LCLICK to O shoot button.įor movement, you can easily go for either WASD (if you intend to use the mouse), or arrow keys if you like a ARROW + ZX scheme.

Mapping the MOUSE to RIGHT STICK will mean that if you intend to play with a high sensitivity you'll have a cap on your speed, so consider lowering your sensitivity for it. With MGS3 you can easily disable the third-person camera to help you for the same effect. because the camera is fixed, using the arrow keys/numpad for looking in first person wasn't awfull. Mouse for the camera while impratical is "adequate" considering the jank you would have otherwise. (Pardon me if i don't remember the exact original controls, hopefully context can help if i am wrong in any of the binds)įirst off, you're more likely better off with MGS2 PC version, MGS V's fix gives much better performance if you ever have trouble running it under PCSX2 (just remember that to set Keyboard mappings, you'll need to backup MGS2 key configuration utility). I had a playthrough with KB+M controls in both metal gear games, so i might have some tips for you. While i do understand that this is a terrible idea.